The app ATLAS10 has a long series of ancestors

1988 ATLAS #1 Developed in DR-LOGO. Source code less than 2 kB! No mouse, only cursor keys.
The German version has been published in JOYCE Sonderheft Nr. 4, DM Verlag, Eschwege
1992 ATLAS #2 Developed in Turbo Pascal 5.5 Program with four maps. Mouse steering.
1993 ATLAS#4 Developed in Turbo Pascal 7.0 Enhanced to 19 maps and the possibility to draw map #20 on your own.
If you have a working XP-computer, don't hesitate and download ATLAS4  here

1995 ATLAS#5 The teachers of a primary school in Arnhem asked for a version with maps in *.jpg format. The advantage is clear: users can add details to the maps or draw maps of their own. This idea is incorporated in ATLAS10. Thnx to the school in Arnhem.
1998-'08 ATLAS #6 tot #8 Experimental versions in the laboratory. Not published. Developed in Delphi 5.
2020-'22 ATLAS #9 en #10 Topography app for the Android tablet. Developed in B4A (Basic For Android).
ATLAS11 Topography app with more extra possibilities (2022)

As we see: ATLAS11 is a child of ATLAS4
ATLAS9 is a free trial version of ATLAS11. So: if all works fine on your tablet, you can decide to purchase ATLAS11.
You can use the app on a smartphone, but a 7" tablet is better.

The price can be as low as € 2,19 because the maps are home-made. No copyright.
So: download ATLAS9 and give it a try: does it fitt your tablet?
ATLAS9 & ATLAS11 are available in the Google Play Store (starting medium May 2020)





Any suggestions for the next app?
Maybe I will organize an elementary story book for young children?
Maybe a digital reference book for a museum or an exhibition?

The language Basic B4A (For Android) is far from difficult, as you can see in the example to the right. There are two lists (for X & Y) and that lists are filled with coordinates, etc.

B4A: Clear and clean?

1 Sub Kompasplaatsen

2 Dim KompasX, KompasY As List

3    KompasX.Initialize : KompasY.initialize

4    KompasX.AddAll(Array As Int(2,37,2,2,2,10,2,2,2,2,2,2,60,7,2,71,51,4,2,2,2))

5    KompasY.AddAll(Array As Int(2,1,2,2,2,8,2,2,2,50,2,35,88,78,2,2,2,30,17,2,10))

6   If kaartnr <> 21 Then

7   Kompas.Visible = True

8   Kompas.Left = KompasX.Get(kaartnr)*1%x*CX+Links

9   Kompas.Top = KompasY.Get(kaartnr)*1%y

10  Else

11 Kompas.Visible = False

12 End If

13 End Sub